Free Comics Every Year!
The Denton Comic Art Expo is dedicated to showcasing the comic talent of the greater Dentroplex area. We hand out a Free Comic Book Day comic every year as well as a Halloween Mini-Comic every October.
We really like giving away comics, but we need YOUR HELP!
By advertising in our Free Comic Book, you help support local artists as well as get your ads in front of over 500 families across the DFW area. Inside cover full-page ads(front inside and back) are $250 and interior full-page ads are $150. If you are interested in advertising with us, please use the button below to contact us.
Free Comic Book Day 2025
Over 500 copies of this comic will be delivered to comic stores across the greater Dentroplex on Saturday, May 3, 2025.
Featuring stories by
and Marco Defillo
With cover art by Robert Arista
Advertisers for this comic are still needed! To contact us about being an advertiser or sponsor please use the button above.
The Black Cat
Mini-Comic 2024
1,000 copies of this 28-page mini-comic were given out to Denton in October of 2024. The comics were given out as a candy alternative to hundreds of children across Denton County. Our third Halloween mini-comic is paid for by our invaluable advertisers Triangle Non-Profit Publishing, EF High School Exchange Year, and the generosity of Paul Robinson.
If you’d like to advertise in the 2025 Halloween Mini-Comic, please get in touch with us for rates!
Free Comic Book Day 2024
The third annual FCBD comic and distribute over 500 copies to comic stores across the greater Dentroplex on Saturday, May 4, 2024.
“Artificial Arcane” by Jay Crisp.
“Ripped From The Headlines...” by Nate Bramble.
“Late Night Snack” by Brandon Hayman
With cover art by Andrew Austin
These comics were made free to the public due to our generous sponsors and advertisers: More Fun Comics & Games, UNT CoLAB, EF High School Exchange Year, The Denton Community Market, Denton Water Works, Robot Monster Prints, and Triangle Non-Profit Publishing.
Out of the Tangle Wood
Mini-Comic 2023
1,000 copies of this 28-page mini-comic will be given out to homes in Denton County. The comics are meant to be given out as a candy alternative to hundreds of children on Halloween night. Our second Halloween mini-comic is paid for by our invaluable advertisers Triangle Non-Profit Publishing, Robot Monster Prints, EF High School Exchange Year, and the generosity of Paul Robinson.
Free Comic Book Day 2023
Free comic book day is the biggest event in the comic book industry. One day where comic book shops across North America hand out FREE comics to anyone who wants them. In 2023, The Denton Comic Art Expo plans to produce its second annual FCBD comic and distribute over 500 copies to comic stores across the greater Dentroplex on Saturday, May 6, 2023.
"Tequila Mocking Bird" by Creator-Writer Gabriel Hernandez and Artist-Writer Joshua Hernandez.
“Kitchen Witches” by Halo Toons.
“Indie Wars” Story by Brian Chuck, Illustrations by Khalid Robertson, and colors & letters by Christy Jedigoddess and Michael Layocki
With cover art by Kyle Bufkin
Trick Or Treat Mini-Comic 2022
In 2022 the DCAE released its first-ever Halloween mini-comic. Thanks to our generous sponsors Paul Robertson and Jesse Gomez and our every valuable advertiser’s Student Exchange Int. and Wednesday’s Mid Week Break, 1,000 copies of this 28-page mini-comic were given out to homes in Denton County. The comics were then given out as a candy alternative to hundreds of children on Halloween night. Our first Halloween mini-comic was such a success that we are going to do it all again! Stay Tuned for more info and your chance to pick up a bundle of comics to give away to your trick-or-treaters!
Free Comic Book Day 2022
In 2022 The Denton Comic Art Expo produced its first-ever FCBD comic showcasing the brightest comic talent in the Dentroplex, including David Doub, Terry Parr, Chelsea Akpan, Taylor Shelton King, Ben Napier, Tom Hoskisson, Jimmy G, Matt Krotzer, and Ashley Villers. Thanks to our generous advertisers, Just 4 Kids Urgent Care, More Fun Comics, Wednesdays Mid Week Break, Kava Culture Denton, Polyhorse Design, Water Works Park, Atomic Candy, and Robot Monster Prints, 500 copies of the comic were distributed to 21 comic stores across the greater Dentroplex on Saturday, May 7th, 2022.
You can get your copy of the 2024 DCAE Free Comic Book at the fine comic retailers listed below!